Pet Portrait: Dribbles the Boston Terrier
Not to take anything away from Chevy, the winner of the Boston Terrier photo contest who was the subject for a drawing I did recently, but there's just something about Dribbles' smile that I haven't gotten over since originally seeing his photo at the time. GIVE HIM EVERYTHING HE WANTS! And go like his Instagram account to see more of that face: @dribblestheboston.
Paper Used: 400 Series Flannel White Strathmore Artist Paper cut to 8×10″
Prismacolor Colored Pencils Used:
Dark Green - PC908
Olive Green - PC911
Apple Green - PC912
Spring Green - PC913
Pale Sage - PC1089
Black - PC935
90% Cool Grey - PC1067
70% Cool Grey - PC1065
50% Cool Grey - PC1063
30% Cool Grey - PC1061
10% Cool Grey - PC1059
White - PC938
Dark Umber - P947
Dark Brown - PC946
Sienna Brown - PC945
Light Umber - PC941
Ginger Root - PC1084
Cream - PC914
90% French Grey - PC1076
70% French Grey - PC1074
50% French Grey - PC1072
30% French Grey - PC1070
10% French Grey - PC1068
Progress Pics:
Time Spent: 12 hours and 22 minutes.
Up Next: I have 2-3 more portraits to do before Christmas, and unfortunately I can't share any updates until after the holiday. So see you in the new year!
Until next time! Lauren H.
Follow @BewareOfTrees