
This is where you can find all the detailed writeups for all my artwork, as well as the occassional random post.

Pet Portrait: Diesel and Roxy the Boxers

Diesel and Roxie the Boxers (Colored Pencil - 2013)

In the question of boxers or briefs, I choose boxers. Eh heh heh... No I will not apologize for that joke! I stayed up until 7AM to finish this drawing so that was incredibly hilarious in my head and I regret nothing!

Paper Used: Strathmore Premium Recycled Drawing Paper (400 Series) cut to 8×10″.

Prismacolor Colored Pencils Used:

Dark Umber - PC947
Dark Brown - PC946
Light Umber - 941
Burnt Ochre - PC943
Rosy Beige - PC1019
Sand - PC940
Cream - PC914
Greyed Lavender - PC1026
Deco Pink - PC1014
Black - PC935
90% Warm Grey - PC1058
70% Warm Grey - PC1056
50% Warm Grey - PC1054
30% Warm Grey - PC1052
10% Warm Grey - PC1050
White - PC938

Time Spent: 23 hours 9 minutes

Up Next: One pet portrait left before Christmas! Yay!

Until next time! Lauren H. Follow @BewareOfTrees