Pet Portrait: Ruby the Yorkshire Terrier
With my sister's Yorkshire Terrier, Ruby, being the 5th of the 6 dogs in my immediate family that I've done a portrait of, it looks like it's time to go adopt more pets! Ok, just kidding... For now.
Paper Used: 400 Series Flannel White Strathmore Artist Paper cut to 11x14" - Because of the grey tint to the paper, I didn't have to press hard with the greys of the background to completely cover the paper. Instead I was able to put less pressure behind the pencil and use the paper as the lighter shade (highlights) of the comforter and blend the darker values into it.
Colored Pencils Used:
Cream - PC914
Rosy Beige - PC1019
Sienna Brown - PC945
Dark Umber - PC947
White - PC938
30% Cool Grey - PC1061
50% Cool Grey - PC1063
70% Cool Grey - PC1065
90% Cool Grey - PC1067
Black - PC935
Time Spent: Unfortunately the stop watch on my phone decided to delete the hours I spent on two separate occasions, so I don't have an accurate account of the time this drawing took. With that said, it was definitely on the higher side of the average for this paper size because of the background and Ruby's long hair, so if I were to guess I would say this drawing took at least 26 hours.
Upcoming Plans: While I wait for some commissions to be finalized (fingers crossed they don't fall through!), I may take some time off from the portraits to work on some other drawings I've started. Plus, it is long past time that I get my Intuos tablet out of the box and learn what it's capable of. Or what I am capable of doing with it, rather.
Also, I was thinking of getting a sketchbook to try and do a sketch a day. Knowing me and how most of my sketches turn into drawings, this may turn into something way more time consuming than it should be so I almost fear starting it, but it sounds like a good idea to get some creative ideas out that could inspire some bigger pieces of work down the road. Sound like a good idea to you guys?
Until next time! Lauren H.
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