Paws For A Cause: Trooper the Pit Bull Mix
If you live in Missouri, are a member of the animal rescue community, or just have ears, there is a good chance you've heard of the young pit bull named Trooper. Thanks to the Humane Society of Missouri, I was able to get the reference pictures that allowed me to create this before/after portrait.
Trooper's Story: Long story short, Trooper was rescued after the HSMO was called about a badly injured pit bull puppy on November 21, 2012. He had been dragged over a mile down Highway 55 by a man who was unaware of the puppy tethered to the back of his truck (thanks to surveillance footage, the HSMO's Animal Cruelty Task Force and St. Louis City Police Department we now know how Trooper was put in this situation). Unsurprisingly Trooper had a long road to recovery ahead of him, but slowly he began responding to the treatment provided to the critical wounds that were acquired from this traumatic event, including a leg that vets were considering amputating, and he is back to being the playful little boy that everyone hoped he would be.
Trooper is still being cared for at the HSMO, but eventually he will be put up for adoption, going to a one lucky family among the thousands who have already sent in requests to add Trooper to their home. To that family, just know, I've heard he loves string cheese.
For a more detailed look at his story, I strongly suggest visiting the page dedicated to him on the HSMO's website here, and take a look at his rather popular Facebook page as well, here.
Notes on the Drawing: Seeing as my mom is a volunteer at the HSMO, it shouldn't really be a surprise that this portrait was her idea (she also suggested Brownie and Charlotte as well). She's always volunteering my time like this without asking me first... [Deep sigh] Just kidding mom! I'm just lashing out because she's seen Trooper in person and I haven't... Anyway, with her help, I was able to get permission from the HSMO to use an image of Trooper to create this portrait, with it actually being their idea to do something involving before/after images.
The portion in the lower left corner was based on an image that was taken the day he was rescued after he was checked out and bandaged up. You can still see some of his wounds on his front leg of the larger portrait, but clearly he has come really far, with fur growing back in a lot of the areas that had been scraped clean. But the best part of that image is his big ol' smile!
Now for the less exciting stuff:
Paper Used: Strathmore Premium Recycled Drawing Paper (400 Series) cut to 11x14".
Prismacolor Colored Pencils Used: I know you aren't as excited as I am, but I got to branch out from the usual 10 colors that I use most often in the fur, ears, etc.! They're still in there, but ooo Ultramarine!
Ultramarine - PC902
Black Cherry - PC1078
Tuscan Red - PC937
Scarlet Lake - PC923
Greyed Lavender - PC1026
Clay Rose - PC1017
Blush Pink - PC928
Pink Rose - PC1018
Deco Yellow - PC1011
Dark Umber - PC947
Sienna Brown - PC945
Henna - PC1031
Rosy Beige - PC1019
Ginger Root - PC1084
Deco Peach - PC1013
Peach Beige - PC1085
Beige - PC997
Cream - PC914
Black - PC935
90% Cool Grey - PC1067
70% Cool Grey - PC1065
50% Cool Grey - PC1063
30% Cool Grey - PC1061
White - PC938
Time Spent: 42 hours and 45 minutes.
Thanks again to the Humane Society of Missouri for helping me with this portrait. And good luck Trooper!
Until next time! Lauren H.
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