Pet Portrait: Willow the Airedale Terrier
This past weekend was the 3rd Annual Airedale Carnival, an event put on to help support the organization Airedale Terrier Rescue and Adoption (ATRA). I've never seen an Airedale in person before, but now I can definitely vouch for their energy levels. Get a bunch in one place and they sure have a lot to say to each other and a lot of excitement to share, that's for sure!
This portrait is of Willow, belonging to the founder of ATRA. In my mind she's best friends with two dogs named Buffy and Xander and they run around fighting the paranormal when no one is watching them. I refuse to stop believing this.
Paper Used: Strathmore Premium Recycled Drawing Paper (400 Series) cut to 8×10″.
Prismacolor Colored Pencils Used:
Black - PC935
90% French Grey - PC1076
70% French Grey - PC1074
50% French Grey - PC1072
30% French Grey - PC1070
10% French Grey - PC1068
Dark Umber - PC947
Dark Brown - PC946
Sienna Brown - PC945
Ginger Root - PC1084
Cream - PC914
Black Grape - PC996
Blue Violet Lake - PC1079
Greyed Lavender - PC1026
90% Cool Grey - PC1067
70% Cool Grey - PC1065
50% Cool Grey - PC1063
30% Cool Grey - PC1061
10% Cool Grey - PC1059
White - PC938
Progress Pics:
Time Spent: 19 hours and 3 minutes
Links of Importance:
Up Next: Drawing Diesel the boxer again. This will make his third appearance in a portrait I've done, this time appearing with his newest sister.
Until next time! Lauren H.
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